Editorial Submissions
Thank you for your interest in writing for The American Prospect.
We welcome submissions on a diverse range of domestic and international issues—economic, political, and cultural. The Prospect publishes features, investigations, op-eds, and news analyses from emerging and seasoned journalists, members of the academy, and newsmakers, among others.
Our readership spans the country and world, and we’re proud to be a home of groundbreaking reporting and informed commentary on ideas, politics, and power from an unapologetically progressive point of view.
Before you pitch us, your first port of call should be the Prospect’s archives. Please read a number of articles in your subject area(s) so that you can familiarize yourself with the depth and the breadth of the work that captures our attention.
Please send us a dynamic, well-developed pitch that outlines your story; why it would be compelling for our readers; and how it fits into the current political moment. Include insights on how you plan to approach the subject in an original way and sketch out possible interview subjects, if at all possible.
Do provide a resume or CV and two or three links to published works that reflect how you would approach this assignment. (We will, on occasion, consider completed articles that have not been previously published elsewhere either in whole or part.)
If we accept your pitch, we will send you a contract that outlines the specific parameters of our agreement, including word count and fee. Please note that publication is contingent on a mutually acceptable final edit.
Submissions must be unique to the Prospect and not previously published elsewhere. We do not consider simultaneous submissions.
If your submission is time-sensitive, please note that in your email subject line.